I am a landowner and I would like enforcement or clamping of my parking spaces, what should I do?
Please get in touch with one of our team on 028 9023 0767 or info@carparkservices.com
To proceed with a quote, we will need formal confirmation that you are the landowner and photographs of the site.
Why did I receive this Penalty Charge Notice or Parking Charge Notice on my windscreen?
The contravention will be detailed on the notice you received stating the reason why you have been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice or Parking Charge Notice. If you believe you have reason to dispute this, you can appeal by using one of the provided methods detailed on your notice.
Civil Enforcement Officers, Patrol Officers and Traffic Attendants are not on commission/bonuses related to how many Penalty Charge Notices or Parking Charge Notices they issue.
How much is a season ticket?
Please email our team at or give us a call Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 028 9023 0767
How do I pay for my Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice?
When paying your Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice you will need your vehicle registration and your reference number beginning CCG, MEA, CPS or AN. Payment can be made via one of the following methods:
Online at https://carparkservices.ec6pay.com
Telephone our 24/7 automated line 02895907942
Post your cheque or postal order made payable to Car Park Services Ltd, 36 Great Patrick Street, Belfast BT1 2LT. No cash should be sent by post.Please quote the notice number and the vehicle registration on the back of the cheque or postal order.If a receipt is required please supply a stamped addressed envelope.It is your responsibility to make sure that the cheque or postal order arrives on time before the charges increase and to retain any proof of postage.
Please note that paying for a notice is deemed an admission of liability, and you will no longer be entitled to appeal the notice.
I tried to go online and pay but I’ve lost my notice and don’t know the notice number
Please email info@carparkservices.com with your vehicle registration and the team can provide you with your Penalty Charge Notice or Parking Charge reference number.
Is this even legal?
CPS is a member of the British Parking Association (BPA). For Parking Charge Notices, there are Terms and Conditions for car parking displayed in each of our parks. When you park on private land, e.g. using a private car park, you enter into a contract with the landowner/car park operator. The car park owner/operator can take steps to enforce any of these rules if broken.
For Penalty Charge Notices Car Park Services Ltd issue these on behalf of Local Councils on Council land. Most councils in Northern Ireland have the power to enforce parking penalties under the ‘The Traffic Management (Northern Ireland) Order 2005’. These are issued to motorists found to be in contravention of parking restrictions and are treated as civil, not criminal, offences.
How can I appeal or challenge a Parking Charge Notice/ Penalty Charge?
Appeals, challenges and representations can be made online at or via post to Appeals Department, Car Park Services Ltd, 36 Great Patrick Street, Belfast BT1 2LT.​ For postal appeals ensure you include your name and correspondence address so that we can reply to you.
Appeals for Parking Charge Notices must be made within 28 days of the date of issue. In the interests of accuracy and transparency all appeals must be made online or by post. Appeals cannot be made over the telephone.
Please be sure to the reference number beginning CPS, AN, MEA or CCG and the vehicle registration number on any written correspondence you send.
If you submit an appeal, to ensure we investigate it fully, it is important that you submit ALL supporting evidence at this stage.
For appeals relating to the issued at one of their hospital sites, appeals must be emailed to carpark.appeal@westerntrust.hscni.net
Paid a Penalty Charge Notice / Parking Charge Notice that you now wish to appeal
Payment of a Penalty Charge Notice / Parking Charge Notice is considered as acceptance. Further correspondence may not be considered.
Not satisfied with the outcome of your challenge or appeal
For specific guidance relating to your case, please refer to your most recent correspondence for the options available to you.
Car Park Services are member of the British Parking Association and use the judicially independent appeals service POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals).For drivers that have received a beginning with the prefix CPS AND have had an appeal rejected by CPS they can appeal to an Independent Appeals Service, POPLA (Parking on Private Land Appeals) using the POPLA Reference code provided in the rejection letter.
Please note, should you decide to appeal to POPLA and your appeal is subsequently rejected, the option to pay a discounted amount will no longer be available and the full amount of the Parking Charge Notice will become due.
Please note as the ticket was issued in NORTHERN IRELAND only the DRIVER can appeal to POPLA.
If the driver decides to appeal to POPLA, they will need to visit the website, www.popla.co.uk, where further details of how to appeal (either online or by downloading the relevant forms) can be found.
The driver has 28 days from the date of the rejection letter to submit an appeal to POPLA. If the driver appeals to POPLA CPS will suspend recovery activity on the Parking Charge Notice and the charge will not increase until the appeal has been determined.
If you have received a Notice of Rejection following representations against a (beginning with the prefix CCG, MEA or AN) and wish to appeal to the Traffic Tribunal please follow the instructions on this page https://www.carparkservices.com/forms
My RingGo or Justpark App/Phone number isn’t working
Please contact Park Mobile directly if there are any issues with this service. You can contact Parkmobile Helpdesk on 02030460010 or use their Site for any FAQs
The machine isn’t working/won’t take my money, do I still have to pay?
Yes, car parking must be paid under all circumstances and should there be an issue with one of the machines in the car park, please use another machine or use the mobile app or automated line to make payment.
If you can’t afford to pay your Penalty Charge Notice/ Parking Charge Notice in full
If you ignore a Penalty Charge Notice, Parking Charge Notice or associated correspondence from us, you may have to pay more fees. These fees are on top of the original charge and we will take steps to recover the money from you.
The law doesn’t require us to offer you a way of paying by instalments and we don’t have to offer or agree to an instalment plan.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties we may consider a payment arrangement, contact us as soon as you can to avoid any further action being taken (see below).We will consider each request on its merits. You may be required to provide us with a full financial breakdown, including information about your income and expenditure for us to consider an assessment. Any proposal you make must be realistic and reasonable, so that the outstanding sum is paid as quickly as possible.
For Parking Charge Notices we will consider passing the outstanding debt to our Debt Collection Agents who can consider an instalment arrangement. It is important for you to know that this will increase the overall amount you owe.
For Penalty Charge Notices we will consider passing the outstanding debt to the Enforcement of Judgments Office (EJO), this will increase the overall amount you owe. For more information on EJO, visit their website: https://www.justice-ni.gov.uk/articles/enforcement-judgments-office
Why can’t I appeal my Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice over the phone?
Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice disputes are part of a formal process, which can sometimes end up with the independent appeal service (POPLA) or the NI Traffic Penalty Tribunal. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that all communication is made in writing, either by letter or by uploading directly to our website. That way both sides have a record of what was said by whom and when, and there is less scope for misunderstanding or error.
I thought I’d paid the Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice but I've received another notice, can you help?
If you've received a notice for a Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice you believe you have already paid, please provide us with the first six and last four digits of the long number across the front of the payment card, as well as the expiry date and a copy/screenshot of your statement showing the payment being debited. If you've paid by cheque, we will need to see a copy of both sides of the cheque (your bank will provide you with a copy if asked). We will then check our records, and your Parking Charge Notice or Penalty Charge Notice will be put on hold until we have completed our search.